Protect yourself from the effects of identity theft

Identity thieves now have the ability to steal your identity using bank and credit card statements, as well as other correspondences that haven't been properly disposed of. If you don’t remove your personal details from view, you’re leaving yourself vulnerable.

Identify theft occurs when someone uses details stolen from you to acquire money or other benefits by pretending to be you. You’ll usually get your money back when this occurs, but the effects can still be serious.

Firstly, although the money itself will usually be returned, identity theft can still cause negative financial effects for anyone unlucky enough to be targeted. Even though you would be completely blameless for the crime, you might end up finding yourself:

  • Paying higher interest rates

  • Paying higher insurance rates

  • Being denied loans in the future

  • Paying several banking fees

Additionally, identity thieves often use your details to have your address and contact details changed, which means that you might not be aware that anything has gone wrong for some time. Paired with the fuss of shutting down new credit cards, filing reports and getting everything straightened out again, identity theft can put a freeze on your financial independence. This is often embarrassing and always highly inconvenient.

Then, there are the emotional effects. It’s difficult to understand how horrible it feels to have your identity stolen until it happens. Identity theft is extremely intrusive, often creating a sense of fear and vulnerability in those who have suffered it. There are even support groups cropping up all over the country, as well as online, in order to deal with the emotional fallout of these situations.

Luckily, keeping yourself safe is affordable and easy with ID fraud prevention stamps from Rubber Stamp King. Instead of using a cumbersome and expensive shredder, all that you need to do is quickly stamp over your details to obliterate them from risk. Easy to use, compact and self-inking, they are available in two sizes to keep your details fully protected.

To make sure that your details can’t be lifted from your personal correspondences, order one of our ID fraud prevention stamps today. Nobody is safe from identity theft, so you should make sure that you do your utmost to remove yourself from harm’s way.